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Current Poll Results

Fav Villain, (Non-Deity)

Acecerak16 %16 %16 % 16.25% (91)
Delglath0 %0 %0 % 0.89% (5)
Iggwilv28 %28 %28 % 28.04% (157)
Keraptis13 %13 %13 % 13.57% (76)
Korenth Zan2 %2 %2 % 2.14% (12)
Markessa5 %5 %5 % 5.54% (31)
Lord Obmi the Wily8 %8 %8 % 8.04% (45)
Rary Al Sammal, the Traitor13 %13 %13 % 13.57% (76)
Theg Narlot/ Turrosh Mak3 %3 %3 % 3.75% (21)
Eli Tomorast3 %3 %3 % 3.57% (20)
Tuerny the Merciless4 %4 %4 % 4.64% (26)
Other (Please Comment below)3 %3 %3 % 3.39% (19)

Total Votes: 560

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"Fav Villain, (Non-Deity)" | Login/Create an Account | 25 comments
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Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by Fairylover on Thu, May 05, 2005
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Rary al Sammal? Where'd the al Sammal come from?

Who Knows? (Score: 1)
by Greyson on Thu, May 05, 2005
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I voted for Rary because he is the only villian I am really familiar with. And, he seems most relevant to contemporary Greyhawk. Living Greyhawk is commiting a campaign arc to Rary and his Empire of the Bright this year. We shall see how it goes.

Is Rary a villian? Rary the Traitor sure makes him out to be, as does language in the Livng Greyhawk Gazetteer. But, there is an interesting Year Three adventure in Living Greyhawk called The Traitor's Road (by Paul Looby), that suggests Rary of Ket is mostly misunderstood.

-------- Don (Greyson) --------

Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by CruelSummerLord on Fri, May 06, 2005
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Where, oh where is Eclavdra? The rogue priestess of the Elder Elemental God? She was an evil genius: Plan A involved using the charismatic but stupid King Snurre as a dupe to unite all the various clans of giants together to invade the human lands, so she could attain power to strike down the priestesses of Lolth.

When that failed, she switched to Plan B: Frame Lolth for the attacks so the PCs would attack the Fane. They think Lolth is behind the attacks (and she is NOT behind the attacks, thank you very much), and cripple Lolth's operations in the Vault, allowing Eclavdra to seize power. She wins either way! And Lolth, seeking revenge, becomes interested in the surface world for the first time since she corrupted the drow.

I don't accept this canon BS about Eclavdra serving Iuz or Lolth. Why on Oerth would Lolth accept one of her mortal enemies into her priesthood? And how often can one change deities before the gods finally tune you out? The DMG said that thrice-changed clerics were doomed; surely that would apply to Eclavdra?

In another example of tossing canon out the window when I think it's a steaming pile, I always have and always will consider Eclavdra a servant of the Elder Elemental God.

Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by Scottenkainen on Fri, May 06, 2005
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Although I was tempted to choose Other for Eneever Zig, the first "bad" (read: ruthless) guy to ever give my group of PCs real trouble; I opted instead for Acererak, a big mover-and-shaker behind the scenes in South Province and, of course, the big bad guy in one of the very first published modules. My third choice would have been Markessa, only because I've always thought she looked hot in the picture of her in module A2.

~Scott C.

Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by Robbastard on Sat, June 04, 2005
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I choose St Kargoth, though many would consider him a quasi-deity.

Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by nezbangi on Mon, June 27, 2005
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Yeah, there should have been some mention of the death knights and Eclavdra. Barring that, I went with Iggwilv.

Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by Shalaban on Thu, June 30, 2005
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Anyone who can make an artifact and later be bound into it and taken to the Abyss and then escape as a Nalfeshnee true demon and still retain his powers of a 17th Wizard with access to all spells even those from other worlds or "modern" spells gets my vote.

Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by Delglath on Tue, July 12, 2005
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Putting me in there was a bit silly. I mean, who the hell knows about me? I'm about as obscure a GH villain as there is, of course I'm not going to get many votes, sheesh!

But don't worry, once I take over the Flanaess and re-establish the Great Kingdom, with me as its titular ruler, you will ALL hear of me!

Re: Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Score: 1)
by EnochPratt on Mon, September 04, 2006
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