New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted:
Pelor | 11.88% (55) | Ehlonna | 5.62% (26) | Kord | 6.26% (29) | Fharlanghn | 8.42% (39) | Obad-hai | 6.91% (32) | Olidammara | 6.48% (30) | Hextor | 13.61% (63) | Nerull | 8.21% (38) | Erythnul | 3.89% (18) | Heironeous | 13.61% (63) | Other? Tell us more! | 15.12% (70) |
Total Votes: 463
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"New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted:" | Login/Create an Account | 22 comments |
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Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Hunter103 on Thu, January 12, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | Incabulos! Though since he's not 'core', I see no chance of it happening. :
Other non-core gods I'd like to see written up: Pholtus, Celestian, and Wenta. I can dream, can't I? |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Duicarthan on Thu, January 12, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://www.greyhawkonline.com/duicarthan | I choose Celestian, b/c in the past editions Celestian was a very prominent and popular god choice. Not to mention we've already seen one of his clerics in Dungeon, by the name of Agath. =)
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by castlemike on Thu, January 12, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | I'd like to see more information on the Greyhawk Hero Gods for 3.5. Are they just level 20 or 25+ Einherjer or basic DR0 immortals or something a little bit more. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by gargoyle on Fri, January 13, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | Trithereon! Always my favorite deity, and I feel largely underlooked. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Wolfsire on Fri, January 13, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | All the Olman need straightening out. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Jabberwocky888 on Wed, January 18, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | Tharizdun! Let's spread more unsubstantiated rumours about the Dark God. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Themistocles on Sun, January 22, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | I also would love to see Celestian. It looks like they're trying to ditch Fharlanghn's brother. He must be ticked off...Don't anger the gods... |
Heironeous (Score: 1) by Greyson on Tue, January 24, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.donkbrown.com | I voted mainstream - for the Arch-paladin. But I want to qualify my vote by saying I don't want stats for him or avatars. I am of the school that thinks that gods are so far beyond mortal power that their abilities cannot be quantified - and thus do not belong in the game.
Anyway, I am looking more for organization on Oerth. What constitutes the Valorous Knights paladinhood and priests? And, how different are these orders as one travels the Flanaess. I imagine the paladins and clerics of Heironeous are different in Rel Mord from the ones in a backwater like Diamond Lake.
What of his clerics? Is there a magnus pontus on Oerth. How is the order/clergy organized below such a figure? Heironeous is a lawful god. Certainly there is order to his following.
-------- Don (Greyson) -------- |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Scottenkainen on Wed, January 25, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | I think we need more on Zilchus. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by MichaelSandar on Thu, January 26, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | Tharizdun. Nothing creepier, darker, more insidious. Perhaps theres a tiny little hole in that prison of his letting him exert more and more force... |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Varthalon on Thu, February 02, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | I would love to see a column on how the different pantheons are organized, interact and do their worship services. for example, I've always thought that: the Baklundish was very strongly pantheistic (all the gods worshipped as one group - some clerics are clerics of the entire pantheon while others will serve a specific deity, but the common people worship 'the gods' and pray to whoever has influence over what they are praying about).
the Oeriadian religious outlook started very simple (Pelor the Sky Father and Beory the Earth Mother and the four seasonal gods) but has over the ages became the more complex polytheistic and diverse pantheon of today. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by GVDammerung on Thu, February 09, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | Oh foul poll! Surely you mock! WEE JAS!
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Samwise (samwise1@msn.com) on Sat, February 18, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | Vecna. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by Free_City_Assassin on Sun, February 26, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | Istus. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by the_colorless_mage on Mon, February 27, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | I'd like to see Istus too. C'mon...you'd think a Greater Goddess would command better treatment than she's been given in the book! |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by SiratFidai on Mon, July 24, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | KELANAN (sp?)
The quasi-dieties were the best. Bring back the Sword Lord. |
Re: New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Score: 1) by SiratFidai on Mon, July 24, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message) | KELANAN (sp?)
The quasi-dieties were the best. Bring back the Sword Lord. |