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Current Poll Results

Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods?

Mordenkainen28 %28 %28 % 28.51% (140)
St Kargoth4 %4 %4 % 4.68% (23)
Rary4 %4 %4 % 4.89% (24)
Iggwilv34 %34 %34 % 34.62% (170)
St Bane7 %7 %7 % 7.74% (38)
Gwydesin of the Cranes3 %3 %3 % 3.05% (15)
The Wyrd of the Silent Ones0 %0 %0 % 0.81% (4)
The Unnameable Hierarch2 %2 %2 % 2.24% (11)
Delglath0 %0 %0 % 0.61% (3)
Eclavdra4 %4 %4 % 4.48% (22)
Ivid the Undying8 %8 %8 % 8.35% (41)
Other, please tell us!4 %4 %4 % 4.07% (20)

Total Votes: 491

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"Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods?" | Login/Create an Account | 10 comments
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Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by Wolfsire on Fri, March 10, 2006
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I thought Iggwilv was already worshipped in covens, not that I have looked into it.  I assumed she had already made it, so I voted for Mordy.

Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by Baramay on Fri, March 10, 2006
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I would think some of the hero-dieties would achieve demigodhood before anyone on this list.

Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by btgrover on Sun, March 12, 2006
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Like Wolfsire, I already consider Wilva to number herself among these ranks.  Next best bet would be Ivid.  What would Mordy be god of?  Would he be Boccob's file clerk?

Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by Crag on Wed, March 15, 2006
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Personally the number of GH Gods has bloated to the size where it has become all but incomprehensible to any but GH fanatics. The last thing GH needs is a new god, since their was no "none of the above" I chose other.

Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by Scottenkainen on Wed, March 29, 2006
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I'd give it to Tenser.  He's been at this a long time!

Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by Boglin on Sun, April 02, 2006
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I am voting for Boglin of Spinecastle as the next diety of Greyhawk
thank you,
The Bogster

Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by Free_City_Assassin on Thu, April 06, 2006
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Judging by the OH SHIT factor of part 11 of Age Of Worms, it will be Kyuss. Nobody is gonna beat that adventure.

Re: Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Score: 1)
by MysticClown on Sun, September 03, 2006
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Rary seems to have quite a bit of ambition these days...

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