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Current Poll Results

What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever?

T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil21 %21 %21 % 21.50% (63)
S1 Tomb of Horrors26 %26 %26 % 26.96% (79)
A1-4 Scourge of the Slavelords11 %11 %11 % 11.26% (33)
GDQ1-7 Queen of Spiders24 %24 %24 % 24.57% (72)
WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins9 %9 %9 % 9.56% (28)
WG6 Isle of the Ape4 %4 %4 % 4.10% (12)
WG7 Castle Greysuck2 %2 %2 % 2.05% (6)

Total Votes: 293

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"What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever?" | Login/Create an Account | 9 comments
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Re: What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Score: 1)
by grodog on Fri, August 17, 2001
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I'm not so sure that I like the grouping of the modules in this way. For example, I love G1, G3, D1, and D3, but am not a big fan of G2, D2, or Q1; I love T1 but loathe the ToEE proper. It would be nice to be able to vote for individual modules among the series sets.....grodog

Re: What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Score: 1)
by Dargarth on Mon, August 20, 2001
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It's a scary thought when the most popular choices for what is considered to be the most badass Greyhawk modules ever are modules that are 20 years old, or based off of 20 year old premises.

Greyhawk is an old world, but it's sad to think that what is best about it is decades old.

Here's to hoping that this same poll ten years from now might include a few new items of wonder.

Re: What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Score: 1)
by Herald on Mon, August 20, 2001
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I myself liked ToEE, then again, I liked all the Mega Dungons. But If you really want bad ass, rReturn to the Tomb of Horrors really rocked.

Re: What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Score: 1)
by Issak_the_Pale on Mon, August 20, 2001
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So what "New" Modules would you think deserve to be up here? I voted for A1-4 Slavers, and would have to say that while the re-done slavers was good, it was not nearly the same quality (information wise it surpassed, but module wise, it lacked something that the orginal had).
Again, trying to think back through the WGR series, WGR1 GH Ruins was excellent, but something was lacking. Most of the others by Carl were great, yet packed with information as source books. WGS 1 & 2 - Five Shall Be One & the companion (IIRC the name) were great, but they needed to be added togeather before you could call them a great module.
So if we broke it down into which module was the best from all time - that is going to be very hard. Besides, it seems that most people on GT / CF are old timers, and we just have some great memories from before a time that we really knew the rules, how to run and play the game, and most importantly when it did not matter how we got to the dungeon and how it interacted with the world.

Re: What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Score: 1)
by grodog on Tue, August 21, 2001
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Well, in part I'm sure that the comments on the votes are focused on the older, classic modules, because those modules are the subject of the poll.

Among the newest GH modules, the following number among my favorites:

- Return of the Eight (for Tenser's Citadel, Tuerney, and more fun with Iggwilv, although I don't like the railroading or the addition of the elf into the Circle of Eight)

- "River of Blood" (Erik Mona's LGH scenario; for expanding upon the background of White Plume Mountain and the Hierarchs; I hope the second and third installments appear soon)

- "Ex Keraptis ***** Amore" (Andy Miller's GH scenario in Dungeon #77)

My problem with the newest Greyhawk scenarios is that there aren't any. Greyhawk was built,detailed, expanded upon, and fleshed out through adventures, and no one at in non-LG at WotC seems to care any longer. The new "adventure path" for core D&D doesn't even make use of the 32-page D&D Gazetteer, much less the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer.

(who reposted this since it seems to have been lost in the megaflow)

new poll? (Score: 1)
by grodog on Fri, August 24, 2001
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Hey, shouldn't we have a new poll today?


Re: What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Score: 1)
by Alrog on Fri, August 24, 2001
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I voted for GDQ but really G1 was the best of the lot imo. However, for sheer terror factor, nothing will ever scare players the same way just holding up the Tomb of Horrors did/does.


Re: What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Score: 1)
by Man-of-the-Cranes on Sat, November 10, 2001
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OK I had to vote for ToEE. I have too many fond memories of the supermodule which really maunched my ten-year real-time campaign, and so many memorable characters. But I do agree with the comments on the age of these modules. Although ToEE was a classic, I think that the quality of Night Below was superb. Although not officially a GH module, I do count it as such, and had it been here, it may have gotten my vote.

It was certainly one of the toughest and most detailed campaigns I have ever seen.


Man of the Cranes

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