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Where would you place this tale?

The Hold of the Sea Princes26 %26 %26 % 26.67% (4)
Keoland13 %13 %13 % 13.33% (2)
Old Aerdy6 %6 %6 % 6.67% (1)
The Scarlet Brotherhood0 %0 %0 % 0.00% (0)
The Hepmonaland coasts13 %13 %13 % 13.33% (2)
Lordship of the Isles33 %33 %33 % 33.33% (5)
Other, please post a comment explaining your idea6 %6 %6 % 6.67% (1)

Total Votes: 15

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"Where would you place this tale?" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments
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Re: Where would you place this tale? (Score: 1)
by chatdemon ( on Fri, June 28, 2002
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Orion, the article's author, didn't specify where in the Flanaess his tale took place, but the mention of Seagoing expeditions to find lost treasures gives us some hints. Let's see what ideas we can come up with for where to set this interesting tale.

Re: Where would you place this tale? (Score: 1)
by MTG ( on Sat, June 29, 2002
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Riana Lan, the protagonist's ill-fated mother, strikes me as derived from the Suel-vocca. Placing the start in the Lordships then opens the way for the end to occur somewhere uncharted but east.

Re: Where would you place this tale? (Score: 1)
by Nellisir ( on Sat, June 29, 2002
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While there's no real reason not to place it just about anywhere in a civilized region, I went towards the Lordship just on the basis of the sailing aspect. Uncharted islands certainly suggest the Solnor or Vohoun, and the Lordship could easily access both or either.

Re: Where would you place this tale? (Score: 1)
by Valmur_Dwur on Sun, June 30, 2002
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Well I don't like what I'm about to say "FR my good fellows FR" Actually on a constructive note 2 things. 1) Why is he a seasoned fighter at 17? and 2) If you want it in put it in Old Aerdy perhaps the port of Rel Astra since it comes from a tale of "long ago". Plus you can work the Vast swamp in ;)

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