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Current Poll Results

Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique:

The Balance.14 %14 %14 % 14.99% (73)
Personages such as Mordenkainen, Ivid, and Hazen.7 %7 %7 % 7.39% (36)
Modules & Supermodules (such as T1-4, A1-4, and GDQ1-7) impacting the campaign.24 %24 %24 % 24.44% (119)
Multiple human races and cultures (Oeridian, Flan, Suel, Baklunish)6 %6 %6 % 6.78% (33)
Mysterious Places (Castle Greyhawk, Sea of Dust, Spinecastle, etc.)13 %13 %13 % 13.55% (66)
Funky Pantheons, Gods, and Quasi-deities.4 %4 %4 % 4.11% (20)
Evil Liches (Acererak, Vecna, Asberdies, etc.)2 %2 %2 % 2.26% (11)
History of Kingdoms, Migrations, and Warfare.21 %21 %21 % 21.56% (105)
Peninsulas!2 %2 %2 % 2.05% (10)
Other (please explain)2 %2 %2 % 2.87% (14)

Total Votes: 487

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 Which do you think was the best of the WGR line? (152 votes)

 Your birthday is in which month? (96 votes)

 Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper Greyhawk with them: (464 votes)

 I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (479 votes)

 My Verdict on Dungeon's Adventure Paths (394 votes)

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"Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique:" | Login/Create an Account | 9 comments
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Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 1)
by MerricB on Sat, September 28, 2002
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I voted for Other. There are two factors at work in my choice. :)

* The modules are important, but not how they impact on the campaign - just in the fact that a lot of them are superior modules, that are enjoyable to play and DM. The FR had modules that impacted on the campaign (e.g. The Horde, the Time of Troubles), and so did the bad days of Greyhawk (the Greyhawk Wars). I prefer a world where the latest "cool thing" in R&D isn't going to wreck my campaign. Which brings me to #2...

* The world allows you to create it, not be dictated to by others. I fully support Wizards "hands off" approach to 3E Greyhawk; the basics have been described, it's up to the individual DM to customise it more. Inspiration can come from other sources (Dungeon modules, Adventure Path releases, Canonfire! articles...), but in the end the path of my Greyhawk Campaign lies in my hands, and there isn't someone in a company telling me what to do.


Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 1)
by Scottenkainen on Tue, October 01, 2002
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I made my choice based on just one word -- history. But not just the in-game history of the setting, but the enormously important history of this campaign setting as it relates to Dungeons & Dragons, and even the whole role-playing genre!

Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tue, October 15, 2002

Give me something really good on the Sea of Dust! Something with a Dark Sun feel. It seems that it would fit in great. It has been a thousand years that is plenty of time to have the story fit in...

previous poll victor? (Score: 1)
by grodog on Fri, October 18, 2002
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So when are we going to get to read your SpineCastle or Tovag Baragu article from the previous poll?

They were tied a few moments ago at 54 each until I voted again....


Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 1)
by binabik ( on Sat, October 26, 2002
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the feelings, memories and friends after playing in Greyhawk for about twenty years now

Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 1)
by Cutter on Fri, November 01, 2002
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I think the only way to describe why Greyhawk is such a great world is the feel of it. It inst tangable but it is there. No one can put there finger on it but player always go back to greyhawk.

Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thu, November 14, 2002

The setting changes more often than the poll questions on CanonFire? Come on guys! Two months? How about some fresh thought?

Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 1)
by Roykirk on Tue, May 27, 2003
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I went with Other, just because I couldn't select just one of the available choices. All of them contribute to what makes Greyhawk unique.

Plus, there's the fact that I grew up with Greyhawk. All my early PnP experiences were in that setting, so it will always be the setting that I have the fondest memories of.

Re: Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Score: 1)
by adhevan on Thu, May 20, 2004
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I really like the strong sense of nationalism. I like the way that people of the same alignments can be very much at odds with each other because of different national interests. I like the way, in the Greyhawk Wars, that Keoland hesitated helping Sterich until it was too late, because they weren't asking themselves, "What is best for Good people?" or "What is best for mankind?" but "What is in it for Keoland?"

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