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Current Poll Results

What type of articles would you like to see more of on Canonfire?

Adventures and Plot hooks15 %15 %15 % 15.61% (27)
Magic Item and Artifact Write Ups0 %0 %0 % 0.58% (1)
Beyond the Flanaess Gazetteer Entries8 %8 %8 % 8.67% (15)
Greyhawk History Articles14 %14 %14 % 14.45% (25)
City - Country - Mysterious Places Write Ups21 %21 %21 % 21.39% (37)
Classes, Kits and Prestige Classes4 %4 %4 % 4.62% (8)
New Monsters!0 %0 %0 % 0.00% (0)
Maps16 %16 %16 % 16.18% (28)
Gods, Priesthoods and Religions8 %8 %8 % 8.09% (14)
Apocrypha, juicy bits from the cutting room floor9 %9 %9 % 9.83% (17)
New Spells0 %0 %0 % 0.58% (1)
Other, please explain0 %0 %0 % 0.58% (1)

Total Votes: 173

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"What type of articles would you like to see more of on Canonfire?" | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments
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Re: What type of articles would you like to see more of on C (Score: 1)
by chatdemon ( on Sun, June 08, 2003
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)

Ok folks. Canonfire now hosts the work of dozens of authors, but sometimes it's tough deciding exactly what to write for the site. Let our contributors know what you like to see!

CanonFire with Focus? (Score: 1)
by Issak_the_Pale on Mon, June 09, 2003
(User Info | Send a Message)

Hi all-
One category missing is "Updating Current Flanaess Locations in a Gazetteer Style." Whether a member of the LG or not, the regions are moving on...lets update what is going on in those LG regions. I for one am ashamed of the "offical Pale region" and the Hug-Your-Heathen (c) aspect of things, but it would be nice to see what they are screwing up. Or other triads mucking about in other regions. The people connected with the RPGA could update their regions. Heck even non-LG people could update their regions - kinda like what I have done with my Stroun Campaign Story: The Hegemony Wars. I am currently rewriting an LGG style entry for my website, and will post that here as well.

But I'm wondering if then, all it normally would be is a generic link to the regions website...
Alternetively, we could divide the Gaz up slightly by Timeline. That would be interesting.
Which makes me wonder, why isn't there a region finder here on CF? Like a list of the regions, with links to articles about that region. Of course there are non-region submitted articles, but say someone writes about Nysutl - he'd be in Greyhawk City proper and in Tenh (since that is where he hails from).

Or preferably, have Gary's corrected Populations listed. Yeah, that's something I'd like to see.

Re: What type of articles would you like to see more of on C (Score: 1)
by grodog on Tue, June 10, 2003
(User Info | Send a Message)

This is a tough poll to vote for, since I'd like to see more adventures/plot hooks/encounters, more maps, more apocrypha (though that's a pretty limited resource), and more definition around the gods (more fleshing out of their faiths, more specialty/PrC priests, more analysis of divine genealogy, etc.).


Re: What type of articles would you like to see more of on C (Score: 1)
by Kirt on Fri, June 27, 2003
(User Info | Send a Message)

I would like to see more articles by me. Me me me. Not that I wouldn't like to see articles by other people. That would be nice, too. But I would at least like to see the next five articles I am planning on submitting here actually being here.


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