Which periodical do you use most in your game?
Dragon Magazine | 36.03% (49) | Dungeon Magazine | 38.97% (53) | Oerth Journal Ezine | 11.03% (15) | Footprints Ezine | 1.47% (2) | OD&Dities Ezine | 2.21% (3) | Stygian Ezine | 0.00% (0) | ENWorld Gamer | 0.00% (0) | Campaign Magazine | 0.00% (0) | Knights of the Dinner Table | 2.94% (4) | HackJournal | 3.68% (5) | Other, Please tell us about it! | 3.68% (5) | Living Greyhawk Journal (or GH info in Dragon) | 16.91% (23) |
Total Votes: 136
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"Which periodical do you use most in your game?" | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments |
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Re: Which periodical do you use most in your game? (Score: 1) by chatdemon (spacerclub@yahoo.com) on Sat, May 22, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | For the record:
Footprints Ezine is a publication of the fans over at www.dragonsfoot.org and is primarily aimed at players of the AD&D 1st Edition game.
Stygian Ezine is a publication of the fans at www.realmsofevil.net and features a wide variety of material for D&D 3rd edition games.
OD&Dities Ezine is a publication for and by fans of the Original D&D and Basic/Expert/et al. D&D games. Its homepage is http://www.tongue.fsnet.co.uk/
Oerth Journal is, of course, the original Greyhawk Ezine, hosted here on Canonfire: http://www.canonfire.com/cfhtml/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=2
ENWorld Gamer Formerly ENWorld Player's Journal is a joint project of the fans at www.enworld.org and Mongoose Publishing, catering to players of D&D 3rd edition. Visit ENWorld for more info.
Campaign Magazine is a publication of Fast Forward Entertainment aimed at fans of D&D 3rd edition. Visit their site, http://www.fastforwardgames.com/ for more info.
Dragon and Dungeon Magazines are now published by Paizo Publishing under license from Wizards of the Coast. Visit www.paizopublishing.com for more info. |
Re: Which periodical do you use most in your game? (Score: 1) by Abysslin (abyss@canonfire.com) on Sat, May 22, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://www.canonfire.com | Nice poll, Rich. I use Canonfire submissions more than any other poll options and it surprises me that you hadn't included that option. /gasp! |
Added the LGJ (Score: 1) by TheocratIssak (no@no.com) on Sat, May 22, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.GreyhawkOnline.com | Hi all-
I voted for Dragon, and then I noticed and can't believe Rich forgot the 2nd Journal brought to us by Erik Mona, and currently one of the best Mags....The Living Greyhawk Journal.
I used the LGJ for the Valley Elf, and I consider all Dragon / Dungeon articles that are GH related to be part of the LGJ. Like the recent Hardby article in Dungeon. That's LGJ. Even if it doesn't say it on the article cover. The Greyhawk Feats in Dragon - part 1 and part 2. They may not say LGJ, but they should. I'm using the Greyhawk Method feat - which gives a spell caster 4 new spells per level, for Aksis, my Touv wizard (the midnight blue skin color is helping me to work with the slavers of the area so that I can betray them as they believe I'm a Drow [and how many orcs can say they've seen a Drow and lived to tell about it]). Sure you could say that they are part of Dragon / Dungeon - since that's where they were found...but I thinik it's better if they were part of the LGJ option instead.
So that's why as an editor of CF, I had to add it to the list of options.
Hope the rest of you agree with me on that one!
~ ~ ~
Theocrat Issak |