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IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you consistently spend (per month) on it?

I do not trust WoTC w/ Greyhawk.7 %7 %7 % 7.39% (17)
I'm 100% Homebrew Greyhawk here.3 %3 %3 % 3.48% (8)
$05 %5 %5 % 5.22% (12)
$10 - $2015 %15 %15 % 15.65% (36)
$20 - $3020 %20 %20 % 20.43% (47)
$30 - $4015 %15 %15 % 15.22% (35)
$40 - $506 %6 %6 % 6.09% (14)
$50 - $606 %6 %6 % 6.09% (14)
$60 - $705 %5 %5 % 5.65% (13)
$70 - $8010 %10 %10 % 10.00% (23)
$80+4 %4 %4 % 4.78% (11)
I'd spend as much as necessary to purchase it all!40 %40 %40 % 40.43% (93)

Total Votes: 230

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"IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you consistently spend (per month) on it?" | Login/Create an Account | 18 comments
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Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Tue, October 12, 2004
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I could muster up $30-$40 per month to spend on Greyhawk products.

However, if it would cost me less than $200 to buy the complete product line, I would probably just get it all at once with the magical plastic rectangular money producer thingie.

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Tedra ( on Tue, October 12, 2004
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I went for 20-30 bucks a month, for Greyhawk goodies, but...I dunno. That is probably a gross under estimate of what I would actually end up spending. ;)

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Coldpenguin625 on Tue, October 12, 2004
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I'd buy everything they put out, if only to support the product line.

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by esilv on Tue, October 12, 2004
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Twenty to thirty dollars a month. Of course, that's about one half of one book from WotC these days.
And it does assume that the products are decent, which is also quite an assumption these days.

I'd rather, much rather, see Greyhawk go to a motivated, competent 3rd party for development and resurrection independent from WotC.

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Anced_Math ( on Wed, October 13, 2004
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I would buy it all, with a caveat only to quality. But, contrary to many others, I think WOTC has done a good job with quality and content.

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by cwslyclgh on Wed, October 13, 2004
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I would buy it all, but that doesn't mean that I would buy it all at once... I think I could handle getting about two hard back books worth a month (I there for chose the 7--80 $ line).

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Omote on Thu, October 14, 2004
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I could honestly spend $80+ per month, but probably no more then $100.00. The key term here is "quality." If the products were quality I could easily spend as much as $40.00 per GH product. And since I don't see GH ever being released in the quantity of something more then one product per month, I think $80.00 / month is a safe bet.


Paizo is your Monthly Greyhawk Habit (Score: 1)
by TheocratIssak ( on Thu, October 14, 2004
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Hi all -
I too marked that I would buy it all. I know that I would. I'm buying all the old Judges Guild stuff for City State on eBay as well as the new Necromancer City State (CSIO hardback is AWESOME, I recommend you steal a copy from yer buddy).

Someone also noted that even if it wasn't WotC, but a compentent d20 publisher that would be ok as well. Well there too is the problem.

Troll Lord Games sux's. I'm wondering if the Cheanult (sp?) Bro's hit the lottery or something. Or maybe when they sold the name Sword & Sorcery to SSS, they got money. They can't be making enough money on their products to give EGG and now Darlene the money that they can demand. Must be some sort of agreement on the back end, like EGG gets so much of the profits that TLG isn't making much.

I don't know, its just speculation. But with the way they are going, they're primed to steal Greyhawk from WotC. And they are not a good d20 publisher. They've got tons of stuff, and good names, but I just don't understand them. The editing sucks, the make up of their world sucks, most of their products suck, but yet they keep coming out with more and more. Some schmuck must be buying it. Either that, or as I said, it doesn't matter how much they lose because they got paid somewhere.

Necromancer Games on the other hand is a decent d20 company. They have picked up Judges Guild and are doing a fairly decent job at recreating Overlord products (Wilderlands Campaign Setting). In fact so well that I'm leaving Greyhawk for Wilderlands. (it's no suprise, I've been saying it for a while).

The real deal, though is Paizo. Let's not forget that Paizo is not WotC. They are a separate company, however, they are licenced to produce Dragon and Dungeon. They don't own the names Dragon and Dungeon they lease it (or some such, if I understood EM right). However, with EM at the helm, of just Dungeon look at the quality Greyhawk material that has been produced since he came along. Even this latest 30 great products issue. I haven't read it but it has something to do with the Bright Desert. Might not be much, but it's something. Previous issues of Dungeon have been featuring Blackmoor by Wolfgang Bauer (whose written many WotC products), as well as other Greyhawk related articles. GLH's Isle of Dread for Greyhawk was an awesome piece of work. The upcoming 4 part new Flanaess map is just we've been clamoring for for years. And then lets not forget Thursday Night Chat (10-07-04). Erik was hanging out and it was mentioned that Istivin was coming to the next issue (my copy of Dungeon didn't get here until Monday). So for now, it looks like Dungeon is the place to go for quality Greyhawk stuff. In that, we can't complain, because although the information is not a hardcover book, it is relatively consistant. It does cost us more in the long run ($5 for about 20 pages of Greyhawk material, with a hardcover book being about 200 pages, it's $50 vs the normal $35-40). But at least it's broken down somewhat for us.
And then Erik becomes editor of not just Dungeon but also Dragon. What better way for an ecomanical tyrant to get his favorite world published and expanded than to overthrow management and change the magazines to: Dragon: The Monthly Guide to Greyhawk and other D&D Worlds and Dungeon: The Adventurers Guide to Greyhawk?
Yes, EM has a duty as editor and can't really do that, but he will always be biased to Greyhawk, so he'll likely request another article on Drow to be written with a Greyhawk bent. Or if two equally well written articles on Drow appear, and he can only use one, and one is Greyhawkish it might make it in. I don't know. He hasn't told me his plans. But it is much better than Greyhawk being produced by WotC and certainly Troll Lord Games. Heck, even for that matter, Necormancer Games if only because now the Greyhawk material will be flowing twice a month.

So quit yer bitchin'....spend some cash and get a subscription. (hey, that rhymes).

Theocrat Issak
CanonFire! & GreyhawkOnline - Protect Your World

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Blucher on Fri, October 15, 2004
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What is Paizo? And is Dungeon magazine publishing adventures set in Greyhawk now?

(I'm about 4 years out of date...)

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by CruelSummerLord on Sun, October 17, 2004
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Believe me when I say that I'd love to purchase quality GH materials. However, with WoTC, I cannot see that happening. After all, just imagine the horrors they'd inflict on our beloved Greyhawk...mass-produced magic items, a thousand and one prestige classes, every other character being Epic-level, and every caravan guard having a +1 sword and +1 suit of chain mail.

The horror....the horror....THE...HORROR!!!!....


Re: published quality Greyhawk (Score: 1)
by gideonn on Mon, October 18, 2004
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Back in the twentieth century when TSR ran the show [eventually into the ground] i had a standing order at my local game shop for every greyhawk item as it came available. The store manager would supply me with the annual catalogue and i would tick off the items, then i would get the glorious phone call when he had them in the store, with one set aside for me.

I really miss those days.

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Blucher on Wed, October 20, 2004
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The Dungeon magazine info mentioned above is encouraging, and I’ve ordered a number of recent back issues and plan to continue purchasing Dungeon for the next several months at least. (If I like what I see, I’ll get a subscription.)

I think Greyhawk is still the ‘official’ world of D&D. At least it was when I last checked. (Though why they’d continue that charade is beyond me.) If that’s the case, then I doubt WotC would farm out the setting and allow another publishing company to manage the setting. (Which would be a shame, since I’m sure some company out there would take it over given the chance.)

Fan material is great, and I enjoy the OJs & etc., but nothing beats having in my hands a nice professionally produced book written by people actually getting paid for their work. Heck, who am I kidding? I’d buy everything put out, even if it’s lousy. I wouldn’t be able to help myself. I have an enormous amount of sentimental affection for the Greyhawk setting and I want to see it live and grow.

Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Cebrion on Sat, October 23, 2004
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Realistically, WOTC would only release so much GREYHAWK material, and certainly not more than an average of $40 each month. They would have to produce even more material than what was in my proposed release schedule of product(see"The Next Big Thing For WOG" thread), and I don't see that as a reality in the slightest.

But basically, I'd buy all of it as it came out.


Re: IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you c (Score: 1)
by Denakhan on Sun, April 17, 2005
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I had to go with $0 for the simple fact that I would never run a campaign in Greyhawk...that uses d20.

Now, the one exception would be if they came out with supplements that were done in a manner that allowed me to ignore the last 2-6 pages of a 150pg book (the pages where all the "d20-specific" info would be ;) ). For an example of the "right" way to do it, check out the Kingdoms of Kalamar Campaign setting by KenzerCo. Most of the book is information, with VERY sparce 'game info'...except the last few pages, where only basic info in d20 terms is listed.

I like campaign settings to be campaign settings...not rules-additions wrapped in a thin coating of setting. ;)

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