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Current Poll Results

If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing...

Forgotten Realms18 %18 %18 % 18.22% (41)
Eberron17 %17 %17 % 17.33% (39)
Wilderlands3 %3 %3 % 3.56% (8)
Wheel of Time1 %1 %1 % 1.78% (4)
Lord of the Rings4 %4 %4 % 4.44% (10)
Dragonlance6 %6 %6 % 6.22% (14)
Ravenloft8 %8 %8 % 8.89% (20)
Shadowrun3 %3 %3 % 3.11% (7)
Star Wars3 %3 %3 % 3.11% (7)
Conan16 %16 %16 % 16.89% (38)
I'd wouldn't be gaming.16 %16 %16 % 16.44% (37)
Other (Please Comment)43 %43 %43 % 43.11% (97)

Total Votes: 225

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"If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing..." | Login/Create an Account | 22 comments
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Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Entropist ( on Tue, November 02, 2004
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DARK SUN!!!!!!!!

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Dethand ( on Tue, November 02, 2004
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Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Nellisir (nellisir at on Tue, November 02, 2004
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Homebrew, honestly, but given the choices it's a close call between Forgotten Realms and Wilderlands. Went with Wilderlands, though -- seems very open to new possibilities.

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Ron on Wed, November 03, 2004
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I would rather play in my own setting, although I would be willing to play someone else game with the Indian like setting of Oriental Adventures.

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by cwslyclgh on Wed, November 03, 2004
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my own campaign world of Wyrom

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by GVDammerung on Wed, November 03, 2004
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I wonder if this poll is not ill wrought.

No Call of Cthulthu.
No Iron Kingdoms.
No Arcanis.
No Scarred Lands.
No Blackmoor.
No Nyambe.
No Gothos.
No Melnibone.
No Diamond Throne.
No Midnight.
No Oathbound.
No 7th Sea.
No Freeport.

All of these are d20 settings and I'm sure I am forgetting a number. It seems "other" will have an advantage.


Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, November 03, 2004
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I've already began playing LoTR, but I think Conan would be my most likely primary choice if it were not for Greyhawk's existance.

The Wheel of Time does spark my interest. However, I have never read the books, so it may be a feeling of curiosity more than intrigue.

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Ezric on Thu, November 04, 2004
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Mystara (aka The Known World). It's hard to forget your roots, after all :)

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by carlanco on Fri, November 05, 2004
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I'd be playing ORIENTAL ADVENTURES. In fact I am playing OA while not DMing my GH capaign.


Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by lmattila on Fri, November 05, 2004
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Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by ULO on Sun, November 07, 2004
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MERP in 1637 T.A. , a little over 1500 before LOTR

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Swiftbrook on Sun, November 07, 2004
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Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by KSCowboy65 on Sun, November 07, 2004
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Call of Cthulhu [ NOT d20]


Tunnels & Trolls

... heh...

playing all three already but i would miss my 1st Ed. AD&D Greyhawk game.


Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by TwiceBorn on Sun, November 07, 2004
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I said Ravenloft, but my Greyhawk and Ravenloft campaigns are already interlinked. I also play in a friend's Dragonlance campaign. While there are many other potentially interesting campaign settings out there, at this point in time I can't be bothered to purchase or try them out, although I might integrate some d20 products into my Greyhawk campaign (e.g., Freeport). Planescape may also interlink with my existing campaign at some point.

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by kwint on Mon, November 08, 2004
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Glorantha...Such a rich setting...

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Omote on Mon, November 08, 2004
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I selected DragonLance because it was up there, when actually it would be my 3rd or 4th choice.

If it weren't for Greyhawk I'd be playing:
d20 BUBBLEGUM CRISIS (Cyberpunk with mechs!)


Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Cymraegmorgan on Mon, November 08, 2004
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Altvogge, an ancient and evolving Homebrew

Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by Bruendor_Cavescouter on Wed, September 14, 2005
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Re: If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Score: 1)
by ZulanFrinsik on Sun, March 29, 2009
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