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Current Poll Results

My favorite Animus is...

Ivid V, Supreme Ruler of the Great Kingdom9 %9 %9 % 9.13% (23)
Duke Szeffrin of Bloodcrystal5 %5 %5 % 5.95% (15)
Count Madral Ishenvan the Mad5 %5 %5 % 5.56% (14)
Prince Hastern of Edgefield1 %1 %1 % 1.59% (4)
Prince Anxann of Kaport Bay0 %0 %0 % 0.40% (1)
Delglath, Ruler of Rinloru32 %32 %32 % 32.14% (81)
Darrien & Marrin, Naelaxian Nobles0 %0 %0 % 0.40% (1)
General Kalreth of Castle Permanence21 %21 %21 % 21.83% (55)
Prince Kalord of Roqborough0 %0 %0 % 0.00% (0)
Lord Drax the Invulnerable, Ruler of Rel Astra21 %21 %21 % 21.43% (54)
Jireen the Mage, Leader of1 %1 %1 % 1.59% (4)
Prince Jichrisen, Werewolf Prisoner of Jennden1 %1 %1 % 1.59% (4)

Total Votes: 252

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"My favorite Animus is..." | Login/Create an Account | 9 comments
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Re: My favorite Animus is... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, November 24, 2004
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Note that 2 Animus beings are not listed on this poll, which only allows 12 available choices. I chose not to include the following 2 due, in most part, to their insignificance relative to the choices above.

Prince Zamasken and Prince Kobasten

Re: My favorite Animus is... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, November 24, 2004
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My choice is an even toss-up between Lord Drax and General Kalreth.

I really like Drax and his choices in polotics. Rel Astra is deffinately my favorite City of the Flanaess giving credence to Sargent's ability to create a fantastic flavor in a Ruler to City relationship I would think much impossible.

Now Kalreth, on the other hand, is a prime example of a general high in the ranks of a lawful evil society. 100% loyal to his master, possessing the ability (and delight) required of a general ordered to slay 1000s, and nearly single handedly (with his rather small army) being responsible for the fall of an entire nation, in Medegia.

In addition, I imagine his Catle Permanence as a very stout and commanding fortress which projects a feeling of dread and dispare to all onlookers.

That kind of evil has appeal to me.

Re: My favorite Animus is... (Score: 1)
by Dethand ( on Wed, November 24, 2004
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Drax the inbunerable?

Re: My favorite Animus is... (Score: 1)
by TheocratIssak ( on Sun, November 28, 2004
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Hi all -
I voted for Lord Drax, since he's the only one that I can recognize off hand. Since there isn't enough room for a full description of the guys, the pollster should have posted a comment that included a better organizational description of the participants.
Or at least where in the Ivid the Undying sourcebook (or other) of where I could go to get info on each of them!
Thanks and this poll is interesting.

Re: My favorite Animus is... (Score: 1)
by Blucher on Wed, December 01, 2004
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My favorite Animus is...Pokemon! That show rocks!!!

Re: My favorite Animus is... (Score: 1)
by bdpenney on Thu, December 16, 2004
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Gotts go with Szeffrin, probably the nastiest and most depressed warrior-type badass in the Flanaess.

I -LOVED- the domain of horror Sargent created in old Almor, and was bitterly disappointed when LGJ brushed aside in the Flight of the Fiends.

I tried my best to bridge the gap in this one (how the FORK could the pathetic armies of Nyrond taken the strongholds there, Bloodcrystal alone could withstood anything that crippled Nyrond could throw at it!) in my Xaene the Accursed write-up.

Anyway, Szeffrin is one villian who got serious short shift in Greyhawk, mayhap an adventure path dealing with him could be done. Hmmmmmmm...

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