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Current Poll Results

My favorite of the available Northern Nations is...

Tiger Nomads1 %1 %1 % 1.52% (2)
Wolf Nomads8 %8 %8 % 8.33% (11)
Perrenland20 %20 %20 % 20.45% (27)
Blackmoor21 %21 %21 % 21.97% (29)
Stonehold2 %2 %2 % 2.27% (3)
Frost Barbarians6 %6 %6 % 6.82% (9)
Snow Barbarians2 %2 %2 % 2.27% (3)
Ice Barbarians0 %0 %0 % 0.76% (1)
Ratik15 %15 %15 % 15.15% (20)
Bone March8 %8 %8 % 8.33% (11)
Theocracy of the Pale12 %12 %12 % 12.12% (16)
Tenh23 %23 %23 % 23.48% (31)

Total Votes: 132

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"My favorite of the available Northern Nations is..." | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments
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Re: My favorite of the available Northern Nations is... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, December 01, 2004
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I really enjoy the geographical distinctions of Perrenland and it's history involving Iggwilv.

The across the Flanaess, the relationship between the Bone March, Ratik, and the Frost Barbarians is a very interesting proposition.

However, the real appeal to me (in regards to this poll) lies with the Snow Barbarians and their superior sailing abilities and raiding capabilities. Ideas of a nautical Conan come to mind )

Re: My favorite of the available Northern Nations is... (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, December 01, 2004
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To my knowledge, of the above choices, only the Pale and Perrenland have Living Greyhawk zones applied to them, no?

This leads me to believe those 2 will most likely lead in the poll through it's duration.

We shall see )

Re: My favorite of the available Northern Nations is... (Score: 1)
by Osmund-Davizid on Thu, December 02, 2004
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I voted for Ratik,

More so for the fact I have been using it to put in a good mix of home brew locations. It is close enough to a major civilization in the Great Kingdom, and at the same time it is a gateway to the barabrians of the north. Ratik has easy access to monster thumping adventures in the mountains and forests around it. And as a DM you can make some pretty big changes there without worrying about conflicts with canon too much.


Re: My favorite of the available Northern Nations is... (Score: 1)
by CruelSummerLord on Thu, December 02, 2004
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I really think Tenh gets a bum rap post-Sargent. I deeply resent the "laziness and arrogance" thing he mentions, and am not too fond of how all the Flan nations got clobbered in the Wars to begin with.

Being demolished and looted by the Fists I can (grudgingly) accept, but this additional alien invasion and the turning of Tenh's lands into sterile ash in LG is just too much! God, why can't one of the old nations be restored, or at least give players a chance to re-establish Tenh, even if it's not the old Duchy, by supporting one of the warring parties? It was fine the way it was with the warring factions!

Re: My favorite of the available Northern Nations is... (Score: 1)
by IvorMac on Fri, December 03, 2004
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I like Perrenland for it unique stance vis-à-vis Iuz. Politically it has to deal with Tiger Nomads and the southern "civilized world". There is much to think about and weigh it the halls of the leadership. I also like the added dimension the City of Exag brings.

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