Belgos and Silussa, the drow vampire and succubus from D3 Vault of the Drow. Not only did they have a picture by Jeff Dee on the back cover but the encounter starts with a surreal illusion and ensures that the party walks away with a few levels less. :) Also Dungeon #119 has the return of the happy evil couple. So possibly I wasnt the only one.
It's OK to wear the pink triangle in Hommlett! (Score: 1) by Fairylover on Fri, January 21, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
You just have to vote for the best looking married couple in Greyhawk! (No matter what those uptight-stiff-shirts Terjon and Calmert think...Y'dey was right to marry them!)
My favorite Duo can be a triple threat. The Pale Tenh and if you like Nyrond. Got to love those crazy pentecostal nazi-like christian, jews called Pholtians.