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Current Poll Results

Beyond the Flanaess: my fav..

Eyrpt10 %10 %10 % 10.97% (17)
Orc Reich14 %14 %14 % 14.19% (22)
Celestial Imperium15 %15 %15 % 15.48% (24)
Red Kingdom3 %3 %3 % 3.87% (6)
Dragon's Island4 %4 %4 % 4.52% (7)
Fireland15 %15 %15 % 15.48% (24)
Barbarian Seameast2 %2 %2 % 2.58% (4)
Polaria1 %1 %1 % 1.94% (3)
Hyperborea19 %19 %19 % 19.35% (30)
Kingdom of the Marches6 %6 %6 % 6.45% (10)
Aquaria5 %5 %5 % 5.16% (8)
Other (please comment)7 %7 %7 % 7.10% (11)

Total Votes: 155

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"Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.." | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments
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Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Wed, February 02, 2005
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I really enjoyed Jim Lanter's vision of Hyperborea.(which I've tried to get him to submit to CF!)

However, I rolled with Orc Reich. I can imagine a "Lord of the Rings" gone bad type atmosphere, and it's about time there is an entire region totally enveloped in evil!

Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by cwslyclgh on Wed, February 02, 2005
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I went with fireland because none of the other ones nessecarily exist in my greyhawk (with the exception of Hyperboria which I am uninterested in)... even if similar places do end up existing in my greyhawk (if it ever comes up) the names will likley be changed drastically, as I find many of them exceedingly dumb (Erypt anyone?)

Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by Duicarthan on Wed, February 02, 2005
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I would have to go with Nippon. I recall a wonderful story detailing Nippon and relegating that it was a nuetral faction b/w the Suel and Baklunish. I'd have to double check to see who did the story and the name. But it was good stuff!


Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by Dethand ( on Thu, February 03, 2005
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My vote also goes to Nippon. Steve B. Wilson also posted to the Greytalk mailing list his take on it..Getsuriku (Getsurikuhika)---Land of the Setting Moons (Placeholder Name:
Nippon) I also mix in the L5R clans and some of the setting like the head of Dragon Clan and using the Shadowlands. OrientalHawk!

Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by Ivid ( on Sun, February 06, 2005
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Hyboria would be my fqav place to set my fiction in, while Aquaria is without a doubt the easiest non -Flanaess place to play at... :)

Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by chatdemon ( on Sun, February 06, 2005
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I voted Other, because aside from the Amedio Jungle and surrounding islands, I don't really venture beyond the scope of the Darlne Maps.

Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by bigb451 on Sun, February 06, 2005
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Nippon here. That's the default Oriental Adventures area - something the canon world is missing - in my campaign.

Wanted: links to these settings (Score: 1)
by Osmund-Davizid on Sun, February 06, 2005
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I am really unfamiliar with all of these settings. If anyone can, please reply with a list of links where I can get more information on these settings, I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance

Re: Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Score: 1)
by mortellan on Tue, February 08, 2005
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I went with Hyperboria. To me it should've been the extension of the LOBIce, although recent mappings now show no arctic connection.

Also...what IS a seameast?

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